Saturday half the team, so... 5 of us, arrived 20 minutes before the start of the first game and warmed up by spiking the disc in the end-zone. Our warmup was definitely unique, not sure if we warmed up from it though... We started our first game against UC Berkeley-Y. After falling behind, the Psychos were able to rally at the end, but ran out of time before we could make a huge comeback. We struggled on running defense, but as the game progressed our offense started looking better and we were able to work up the score to 8-12.
Again, the Psychos had a 5 minute break before playing our crosstown rivals, San Diego State. After playing three long games, we were exhausted and sore, making uncharacteristic mistakes and rushed decisions. Ending in an 8-13 loss, our offense and defense looked better during the second half.
The next day, more people drove up to Long Beach giving us 16 players. Our first game was against the other Cal team. At 6-7, we called a strong line in hopes of tying the game 7-7 before hard cap. Unfortunately, we fell short and Cal secured the game when they scored 6-8. Ending the game in a 6-9 loss, our last game was against Redlands. After trading off points, we were able to take the lead at 8-7. Towards the end of soft gap, scoring the next point would secure our win. Redlands rallied to tie the game at 8-8, then scored the next point to secure their victory.
Whether it was something about running d or spirit, after a hard fought weekend, everyone learned a lot after this tournament. For many of the rookies, they experienced their first tournament of their career and for the returners, well, we all learned how to be more bro-like.
More photos can be found here: http://changy12.smugmug.com/Ultimate/College