Every year, UC San Diego hosts one of the raddest tournaments in the SouthWest Region: Pres Day. Unsurprisingly, the tournament is played during President's day weekend. This year, it falls on February 18-20th. Teams from around the country come to compete, throw some frisbees, have fun, surf, tan, and enjoy our beautiful weather. List of Teams Competing: 1. UC San Diego Psychos 2. Colorado College Strata 3. University of Texas Melee 4. University of Oregon Fugue 5. Stanford University Superfly 6. UCLA BLU 7. University of Washington Element 8. University of Colorado Kali 9. UC Berkeley Pie Queens 10. Western Washington University Chaos 11. UC Davis Rogue 12. University of Southern California Hellions of Troy 13. Carleton College Syzygy 14. Northwestern University Gungho 15. Brown University Disco Inferno 16. San Diego State University Gnomes 17. UC Santa Barbara Burning Skirts 18. Winner of Pres Day Qualifier (being held Feb. 4-5th @ UCLA) |
LocationRimac Fields, UC San Diego
9500 Gilman Dr. La Jolla, CA 92093 Email Fluxx or Rue if you have any questions. Fluxx: [email protected] Rue: r[email protected] |